About me
About me:
Hello, I am Kirsty!
I struggled with allergies to perfumes that were in so many products and having a nut allergy, I kept finding that so many products would have different types of nut oils in such as almond oil or macadamia oil. This would really aggravate my skin and cause red, painful bumps all over my face. I also have a skin condition called vitiligo and the areas where my skin pigment has turned white have become very sensitive to products with artificial fragrances or alcohol or parabens.
My son would also have such bad eczema and any creams I used on his skin would make his skin bleed and be inflamed due to the artificial fragrances and chemicals. When I started making my own cream for him it finally completely cleared and it was the only thing that provided relief so he could sleep better. I also made creams for my mum during her cancer radiotherapy because again the chemicals and artificial fragrances and nut oils would aggravate her skin and leave it burning. The cream was 100 percent natural and nourishing to soothe her intensely damaged skin and provide relief.
My own natural products…
So with all of this in mind, I decided to make my own natural products without adding nut oils such almond oil. When I realised how much I loved to make these products and how much they helped people’s skin, I decided to start K A Naturals so that other people could buy natural products that would not aggravate their skin too! I really hope you love my products as much I do!